Hull Geological Society

Registered Educational Charity No. 229147

Donation form

Donations are gratefully received and help us to fulfil our charitable aims.




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Donation *         =        £ ........... 

Gift aid - please sign this statement if you wish the Society to reclaim the tax you have paid on your subscriptions and donations:- I I want to Gift Aid my donations and subscriptions I make now, in the future or have made in the past 4 years to The Hull Geological Society. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

Signed ..................................

Please complete this form and send it with your cheque* to The The Treasurer, Hull Geological Society, c/o 52 Ramsgate Close, Hull, HU8 9TP. Please make cheques payable to "Hull Geological Society".

If you prefer please make the payment by BACS please email the Treasurer for details.


Data protection – we will retain your contact details for Gift Aid purposes only.

* We can only receive donations in Pounds Sterling or Euros.