The Geology of the Speeton Clay

Sketch map of the Speeton Cliffs

Exposures of the A-beds - map by Charlie Underwood

Exposures of the RedChalk - map by Charlie Underwood

A geological time scale for East Yorkshire

Stratigraphic logs of the Speeton Clay :-

Red Chalk  upper part - by Charlie Underwood

Red Chalk  lower part - by Charlie Underwood

A Beds and Red Chalk

A Beds log by Charlie Underwood

Description of the A Beds by Charlie Underwood

Middle and Upper B Beds

Lower B Beds

Middle C Beds

Lower C Beds, D Beds and E Bed

The Speeton Clay logs are based on the work of Ian Alexander, Lynden Emery, Alistair Lomax, Simon Mitchell and Mike Horne.

Copyright Hull Geological Society.

 Hull Geological Society 2022

Registered Educational Charity No. 229147