Hull Geological Society

Registered Educational Charity No. 229147

Subscription renewal form

please print this form and post it to the Treasurer with your cheque

or hand it to the Treasurer with your cash.

The Annual Subscriptions are due on 1st January. The subscription rates are:- ordinary members £ 8-00, family and institutional membership £ 10-00, retired members. £ 6-00, students and unwaged members £ 3-00. Students may pay £ 5-00 for two years in advance or £ 7-50 for three years. Donations are gratefully received and help us to fulfill our charitable aims. Can overseas members please remember that we can only receive subscriptions in Pounds Sterling or Euros. Please complete and return this form with your subscription to our Treasurer, Graham Evans. Please indicate if any of your personal details have changed in the last year. By sending this form to the Society you are giving to the Society your permission to store the information and use it to contact you. If you would like to pay by Bank Transfer or standing order please contact the Treasurer.




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Subscription     =        £ ...........

Arrears      =               £.........

Donation          =        £ ........... 

Total        =                 £ ...........

Subscription rate - single adult, institutional, family, retired, unwaged, student *

Paying by - cash, cheque, banker's order *

Gift aid - please sign this statement if you wish the Society to reclaim the tax you have paid on your subscriptions and donations :- I wish all my subscriptions and donations to the Hull Geological Society after 6th April 2001 to be treated as gift aid donations until further notice. I pay income tax in the U K and do not reclaim the income tax on the subscriptions myself.  

Signed ..................................

Please send your subscription to The Treasurer, Hull Geological Society, 52 Ramsgate Close, Hull, HU8 9TP . Please make cheques payable to "Hull Geological Society".

* please delete as required