It would be a real service to local geology if members finding new or doubtful fossils would allow the writer to obtain expert determination of the species for record. Many important fossils have been found, and have subsequently disappeared, leaving no definite information.

 South Cave.--There are some new exposures in tile Inferior Oolite to the west of the railway station, near the line. We obtained Lima strigillata, Eopecten abiectus, Camptonectes lens, Pinna cuneata, and an undetermined echinoderm.

 North Grimston. --In the white flaky 'cement beds' a fine belemnite, and an impression of a fine-ribbed ammonite, were noted.

 CRETACEOUS (Roughly Zoned).

 High Stacks.--After diligent search, two poor examples of Actinocamax westphalicus were found, one practically at the level of the highest flints, and one about 10 feet below in flinty chalk (M. ca. zone). A peculiar structure resembling 'cone-in-cone,' on a gigantic scale, was noticed in the cliffs to the southwards, huge cones of chalk standing out from the cliff face. Photographs are to be taken.

 At a small pit near the crossing of the Melton road and the Kirkella to Raywell road, small examples of Echinocorys were found, indicating another exposure of the base of the cortestudinarium zone.

 South Ferriby (Lincs.).-- A new quarry, nearer to South Ferriby village, has been opened, showing the Black Band with beds above and below. Numerous well-marked step-faults occur involving the Black Band. A small sharp fish tooth was found near the band. A large 2-feet ammonite was photographed by Mr. Stather. On the beach near the ietty is an interesting exposure of white, grey and red chalk. Fossils are numerous. Ten large ammonites, badly preserved, averaging 18 inches wide, outer coil 6 inches, and 2½ inches thick, were noticed in the grey chalk. Other smaller ammonites, 9 inches, 6 inches and 2½ inches in diameter, have been obtained. The naming of the rapidly-increasing number of local chalk ammonites is an urgent question. Other fossils were :--Holaster subglobostts, Inoceramus pictus?, Serpula, Ostrea, Rynchonella , and a large Pecten,

 South Ferriby.-- Sub-Cretaceous (Lower Kimmeridge) Clays: Rasenia (ammonite, young specimens), etc. See special report.

 Millington Dale.--There is a good exposure of red chalk about 2o feet above the road near the springs.


 High Stacks.--Many large boulders occur in a sheltered bay and on the scars. A 3-foot cube of Shap granite was noted.

 Cottingham.--The floor of the new gravel pit consists of dark red stoneless clay (? redistributed Hessle boulder clay). The sands and gravels contain only cockle and oyster shells; no Kelsey Hill types; exceptional numbers of B. mucronata are present.

 Paull.-- Large new pit on road passing Paull Church. Tellina, Cardium, Ostrea abundant; Nassa, Bulla, rare. No Corbicula. Bones of Bos primigenius and tooth of mammoth.

 Brandesburton.-- Great activity in digging for gravel; many new exposures. Shells rare :--Cardium, Ostrea, Tellina, mostly broken. An 'ankle bone' of the bison was obtained at Coney Garth.

 Catwick.-- Large gravel pit : gravel coarse, large stones -- chalk, black flint, rhomb-porphyry, augite-syenite, Cheviot porphyrite. Shells rare: --Cardium and Tellina. To date, no Corbicula has been found except at Burstwick and Kelsey Hill, though special search has been made.

 Aldbrough.--Boulder clay ; mammoth tooth found.

 Skipsea -- A chalk boulder in the clay yielded B. mucronata. Peat was noted, with trunks of trees, nuts, etc. A clay containing shells was noted.

 Hornsea.--Peat and finely laminated clays were well exposed. The peat contained the peacock-blue spots of vivianite.


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