Humberside Geologist no.15

Report of the East Riding Boulder Committee 2005 to 2011

A list of glacial erratics found on field meetings of the Hull Geological Society or records contributed by members and friends. This list was compiled by Mike Horne from fieldwork, with additional data contributed by Anne Horne, Brenda Almond, Daniel Wade, Donna Cushing, Geoff Featherstone, Janet Harrison, Gordon Ostler, Harold Tabiner, Ian Heppenstall, Jack Almond, Janet Harrison, Nigel Whittington, Patty McAlpin, Richard Middleton, Rod Towse, Simon Kitcher, Stuart Jones, Terry Rockett and Tony Barker.

The sites are arranged alphabetically. The specimens recorded were seen loose on the beach unless otherwise specified.

Aldbrough - Asteroceras, Belemnitella mucronata, Gryphaea, Exogyra, Cardinia [large Scunthorpe type].

Aldbrough (south) - pink granite, Lithostrotion in brown limestone, septarian nodule, Harpoceras, Gryphaea, Gryphaea gigantea, Pentacrinus.

Atwick - Discoscaphites binodosus.

Barmston - Gryphaea, Exogyra, Pleuromya, jasper, pegmatite.

Barmston - on beach going south from the caravan site (TA171594) - red flint, Larvikite, black flint, New Red Sandstone, Jurassic shelly limestone.

Barmston - in the cliff from TA17225820 to 172586 - grey Permian limestone, jasper, black flint, Middle Jurassic rootlet bed, white quartz, crinoidal Carboniferous Limestone, brown sandstone, porphyry, red flint, Inoceramus, phosphatic nodule, dolerite.

Danes Dyke - Brockram, gneiss.

Dimlington (north to large concrete blocks on beach) - rhomb porphyry, Gryphaea in grey limestone (not found as separate specimens), grey shelly Lower Jurassic limestone, Lithostrotion, Cardinia, black flint, jasper, Brockram, basalt, pale brown sandstone, Larvikite, Productus in Carboniferous Limestone, Old Red Sandstone, gneiss.

Dimlington (in front of the gas terminals, going north as short distance) - Lithostrotion, Gryphaea in limestone, dogger, jasper, gneiss, Norwegian rhomb porphyry, yellow quartz, black flint, Jurassic rootlet bed, crinoidal Carboniferous Limestone, fossil wood, Gryphaea.

Easington (going north) - black flint, Chalk, Lower Jurassic shelly limestone, Lithostrotion, Carboniferous Limestone, Old Red Sandstone, grey flint, granite, white flint, coarse brown sandstone, pyrite, jasper, white quartz, black rhomb porphyry, green conglomerate, Gigantoproductus in Carboniferous Limestone, yellow quartz, New Red Sandstone, carnelian [and Larvikite from the Dimlington sea defences].

Easington - Gryphaea, Exogyra, Larvikite, red granite, grey granite, carnelian, quartz, crinoid in Carboniferous Limestone.

Easington (south) in situ cliff exposure - Chalk, black flint (common), yellow quartz, pink chalk, rhomb porphyry, black shale, belemnite, pink granite, Lithostrotion in yellow limestone, grey flint.

Easington (south) - jasper, yellow quartz, grey flint, pink chalk, septarian nodule, white quartz, Frosterly Marble, red rhomb porphyry, Lithostrotion, dogger in orange sandstone, black flint, grey granite, brown sandstone, dolerite, garnet schist, Brockram, Jurassic plant bed, Jurassic shelly limestone, chalk, grey sandstone, coarse orange sandstone, New Red Sandstone.

Fraisthorpe - very large Micraster in black flint.

Holme-on-Spalding Moor (Vale of York; Church Hill) - yellow quartz, Chalk, sandstone, white quartz, grey flint, jasper, dolerite, brown flint, black flint, ironstone, brown sandstone, coarse brown sandstone, ?Cheviot porphyry, Jurassic oolite, yellow flint.

Hornsea - North Cliff Boat Club ca. TA199502 - Norwegian rhomb porphyry (common), Grammoceras, Lower Jurassic shelly limestone, Middle. Jurassic rootlet bed, Chalk, pale grey flint, black flint, New Red Sandstone, breccia, Lithostrotion, gneiss, grey granite, red granite, dolerite, jasper, yellow quartz, Brockram, red flint, Gryphaea, amygdaloidal basalt.

Hornsea (central - in front of the promenade) on the beach - black flint, Inoceramus in black flint, yellow quartz, yellow sandstone, New Red Sandstone, Chalk, green conglomerate, gneiss, Jurassic shelly limestone, red flint, granite, jasper, red microgranite, Old Red Sandstone, muscovite schist, white quartz, Jurassic rootlet bed, Larvikite, grey flint, Tilberthwaite Tuff, Lithostrotion, rhomb porphyry, black shelly Carboniferous Limestone, carnelian, septarian nodule, carnelian, Brockram, Frosterly Marble, rhomb porphyry, Cheviot porphyry, pink granite.

Hornsea (south) in situ in the cliff - Chalk, coal, red chalk, pink chalk, yellow quartz, brown sandstone, New Red Sandstone, brown gritstone, Kimmeridge Clay, jasper, Gryphaea, white quartz, grey flint, basalt, black flint, dolerite, quartzite, septarian nodule, gneiss, greensand, Deltaic Sandstone, rhomb porphyry, rafts of soft chalk, granite, Lithostrotion, agate, Hibolites, Jurassic belemnite, Jurassic shelly limestone, Jurassic rootlet bed, quartz conglomerate with red matrix, pyrite, brown flint, Old Red Sandstone, Lias cementstone, brown sandstone, grey sandstone, yellow sandstone, green conglomerate, Chalk pebble bored by sponges, Endemoceras, Cylindroteuthis, jasper, ice-scratched Carboniferous Limestone, green micaceous sandstone, Kosmoceras, Productus in Carboniferous Limestone, Polyptychites, Mammoth tooth, Mammoth tusk.

Hornsea (south) on beach - Jurassic oyster beds, Lithostrotion, Gryphaea arcuata, Dactylioceras commune. Arnioceras semicostatum, Asteroceras, Aegocrioceras, ?Polypychites, crinoid fragments, Pentacrinus, Acroteuthis, Hibolites jaculoides, Neohibolites, carnelian, Lithostrotion in red Carboniferous Limestone, Magnesian Limestone, green conglomerate, Cardinia, Larvikite, Norwegian porphyry, belemnite from the Chalk, jet, coal, Exogyra, very large ammonite (ca.  70 cm dia) in a cement stone, Brockram, ironstone nodules.

Keyingham (new pit) - garnet mica schist, Corbicula flumenalis (common), Chalk bored by piddocks, muscovite schist (common) chalk, Cardium edule, dogger (common), grey flint, New Red Sandstone, jasper, basalt, Kimmeridge Clay, brown sandstone, B. mucronata, red flint, D. commune, Pentacrinus. modern oysters (big, round, flat; some bored), gneiss, pink granite, Larvikite, Macoma balthica, rhomb porphyry, Jurassic shelly limestone, Old Red Sandstone, black flint, pink chalk, Dentalium in limestone, calcrete, oysters, Gryphaea, Corbicula .

Kilnsea - black flint, rhomb porphyry, jasper, Gryphaea, small Echinocorys in black flint, coal, Mammoth tusk.

Mappleton (north) - Larvikite, Jurassic plant bed, jasper, Jurassic shelly limestone, dogger, red flint, rhomb porphyry, carnelian, Brockram, Frosterly Marble, Lithostrotion, belemnite in limestone, green conglomerate.

Mappleton (south) in situ in cliff - Chalk (very common), Gryphaea, Jurassic belemnite, jasper, B. mucronata, red chalk, Kimmeridge Clay, grey flint, New Red Sandstone, turreted gastropod, Magnesian Limestone, sponge-bored chalk, yellow quartz, brown sandstone, green sandstone, coal, pyrite, ice-scratched Carboniferous Limestone, gneiss, gabbro, Hibolites, Jurassic plant bed, Pentacrinus, black flint, Dactylioceras tennuicostatum, Pleuromya, Lithostrotion, D. commune, Old Red Sandstone, pink chalk, Exogyra, black shale, grey flint, septarian nodule, Magnesian Limestone, pink granite, dolerite, streak of soft chalk, raft of soft dark grey clay, coarse brown sandstone, jasper, quartzite, rippled brown sandstone, greensand, Arnioceras, dogger, chert, grey sandstone, coal, Aegocrioceras, Cardinia, Cheviot black porphyry, biotite gneiss, Old Red Sandstone, coal.

Mappleton (south) on beach - gneiss, Gryphaea, Pleuromya, Acroteuthis, Hibolites, Neohibolites, Oxyteuthis, Pentacrinus, D. commune, Frosterly Marble, Jurassic Oolite, Asteroceras, jasper, Lithostrotion, Magnesian Limestone, New Red Sandstone, Old Red Sandstone, red flint, ?Galerites in black flint, Brockram, Larvikite, Cheviot porphyry, Norwegian porphyry, Tilberthwaite Tuff, Dacromya ovum, Pinna, pyritised wood, Cardinia, Exogyra, Plagiostoma gigantea, pyritised phragmacone, Jurassic belemnites, pyrite crystals, echinoid in pink chalk, Pentacrinus, B. mucronata, Lithostrotion in red limestone, Caninia, black Cheviot porphyry, grey porphyry, Middle Jurassic coral in oolite, green conglomerate, citrine, carnelian, jasper, Red Chalk with brachiopod, large phragmacone, red flint, grey porphyry, black Cheviot porphyry, Pinna, Ichthyosaur vertebrae.

Ringborough - Chalk, black flint, grey flint, Lithostrotion, yellow quartz, red flint, black shelly Carboniferous Limestone, jasper, Gryphaea (rare), gneiss, septarian nodule, large phragmacone, Nautilus in Jurassic nodule, B. mucronata, white quartz, brown quartz, Jurassic rootlet bed, red chalk, New Red Sandstone, brown sandstone, Kimmeridge cementstone, Gryphaea in limestone, rhomb porphyry (rare), Kimmeridge Clay, pyrites, dogger, green conglomerate, coal, large fossil plant.

Ringborough in situ beach exposure (TA270378 to 274372) - Oxyteuthis, pyrite, Jurassic belemnite, septarian nodule, Chalk, black flint, Gryphaea in limestone, New Red Sandstone, jasper, Asteroceras, Hibolites, dogger, Cardinia, Cheviot porphyry, Lithostrotion, pink chalk, Gryphaea gigantea, Upper Jurassic belemnites, Pleuroceras, pyritised wood, dolerite, grey flint, Kimmeridge Clay, yellow quartz, Pentacrinus, pink quartz, D. commune, Speeton Clay phosphate nodule.

Ringborough (south from new way down to wartime defences) in dark red-brown boulder clay cliff - New Red Sandstone (common), black shale (common), grey Middle Jurassic sandstone, septarian nodule, Lias nodules, grey flint, chalk (not too common), dogger, basalt, Gryphaea, dark grey sandstone, Jurassic belemnites, grey mudstone, red granite, Gryphaea gigantea, red streaks of clay, grey streaks of clay, Jurassic shelly limestone, Old Red Sandstone, jasper, pink chalk, gneiss, quartzite, B. mucronata, phosphate nodule (? from Speeton Clay), pyrite, ice scratched Carboniferous Limestone, coarse brown sandstone, grey granite.

Rolston - Erymnoceras coronatum

Sand le Mere (ca. TA320310 to 315318) - Norwegian porphyry, Cheviot porphyry, Dactylioceras commune, Lithostrotion (common) gneiss, augen gneiss, grey flint, jasper, dolerite, Larvikite, red granite, Chalk, vesicular basalt, yellow quartz, white quartz, shelly Jurassic limestone, Frosterly Marble, Gryphaea, red flint, carnelian, orange agate, ironstone, Caninia, Pentacrinus, coal, New Red Sandstone, Kimmeridge Clay, green jasper, Arnioceras.

Selwick's Bay - Dactylioceras commune, Cheviot porphyry, dolerite (common), gneiss, granite.

Sewerby - Shap Granite, Magnesian Limestone, Old Red Sandstone, New Red Sandstone, Cheviot porphyry, Jurassic shelly limestone, Middle Jurassic Rootlet Bed, Norwegian Porphyry, Brockram, augen gneiss, crinoidal Carboniferous Limestone, basalt, Productids in red Carboniferous Limestone, Cannon Ball Limestone.

Skipsea - Dactylioceras commune, oysters in limestone, orthoclase [pink feldspar], Gryphaea, Gryphaea gigantea, large phragmacone of belemnite in grey nodule.

Skipsea (in cliff) - Chalk (rounded and not common), greensand, sandstones, yellow quartz, Middle Jurassic plant bed, granites, black shale (quite common) basalt, quartzite, coarse brown sandstone, amygdaloidal lavas, gneiss, dolerite, Jurassic belemnites, Old Red Sandstone, coal, Cheviot porphyry, jasper, black flint (not common), dark red microgranite, small modern shells, Brockram, carnelian.

South Landing - Brockram; Jurassic rootlet bed, black flint, New Red Sandstone.

South Landing - erratics in the chalk gravels below the tills in the cliff - white quartz, brown sandstone, Carboniferous Limestone, grey flint, yellow quartz, coal, limonite.

Speeton - Pleuroceras, Cheviot porphyry, Lithostrotion, Jurassic rootlet bed, Jurassic shelly limestone, Larvikite, Norwegian porphyry, Hildoceras, Brockram.

Stillinfleet (Vale of York, SE592409) - sandstone (common), Carboniferous Limestone, chert, dolerite.

Spurn - Mammoth tusk.

Spurn Point - crinoid in Carboniferous Limestone, rhomb porphyry, carnelian.

Tunstall - From beach: Carboniferous Limestone and grey flint. From the cliffs: Chalk, grey flint, coal, New Red Sandstone, Arnioceras, black flint, white quartz, yellow quartz, Cheviot porphyry,  dolerite, basalt, Magnesian Limestone, Jurassic plant bed, brown sandstone (collected by Angela Davidson, Daniel Wade, Joshua Perkins, Matthew Shipman and Robert Vessey 2011)

Ulrome (TA 1751 5715) in situ in cliff - Chalk, black flint, soft Chalk stringers, smoky quartz, limonitic sandstone, brown sandstone,  dolerite, Middle Jurassic rootlet bed, grey flint, jasper, coal, New Red Sandstone, Old Red Sandstone, green sandstone, orange sandstone, pink chalk, green jasper, Gryphaea, white quartz, Cardinia, haematite, Lower Jurassic shelly limestone, black porphyry, gneiss.

Withernsea - Galerites.

Withernsea North Cliff  (ca. TA336290) - Old Red Sandstone, Dactylioceras, grey granite, Lithostrotion, vein quartz, New Red Sandstone, black flint, Lower Jurassic shelly limestone, Gryphaea, jasper, Middle Jurassic rootlet bed, porphyry, grey flint, gneiss, carnelian, chalk, white quartz, yellow quartz, pink granite, Larvikite, Favosites, garnet schist.

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